Friday, July 28, 2006

Money Matters

Had CG last night- and I led the welcome game again, which was fun! =) played Fionne's "draw a picture that represents yourself" game.. Heh and it was very amusing trying to figure out all the super abstract drawings. =)

The topic was on managing money well. I always thought I was good at it but to my horror, I just checked my month's statement... About $17 left!!!! OMG. Money just slips through your fingers once u have a card. Sobs... Good thing I just received my tuition pay.. Yes so the discussion last night was timely! Praise the Lord. =) I'm going to start managing $$ well when I'm still young! Glad my cell also has a sizeable number of working adults, who share their experience and advice with us students.. Gonna start saving, investing and tithing 10% of my pay too, even though it's not much. He who can be trusted with little can be trusted with much. I aspire to be a good steward of money. Must learn from my dad! Also realised how blessed I am, not having to worry about paying back student loans or supporting family members.. yeah, so I'm grateful.. =) especially for the huge privilege of being able to study overseas..

My confirmation letter from UCAS has finally arrived.. yay yay yay I'm going to Nottingham! Can book my flight soon!

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