Tuesday, August 08, 2006

long update

Hello hello again! Prepare yourselves for a loooong entry of updates. =)

Some highlights... Saturday was our 1st Young Adults Alpha session! At the penthouse of Orchard Parksuites which was super nice and grand... ahhh =) The morning was a mad rush, cos I'm on the food team. Woke up at 7.15am (that's after getting home at 12+ the night b4... I'm really learning to stretch myself physically. hooray!), brisk-walked to Eunos MRT to pick up James, Yong Qing and Jeffrey, walked home to good old Joy Court and then the cooking began! Everyone was in a semi-comatose state but we just snapped out of it very quickly. Haha it was very fun and funny! Yong Qing the chicken and potato man especially was so hyper... wahhaha will never forget him dancing away while massaging the raw chicken with flour. Hilarious sia.. Shall post some tell-all pics! =) And it's great that we had James, the master chef to save the day... Cos none of us on the food team know how to cook! -_-" Yeahh.. am so proud of James.. my talented cousin using his culinary skills to serve God! Very happy that everyone said the food was very good! =) Next week's menu is pasta.. yummy.. Hmm friday was also exciting cos I got a late morning surprise!! Hahaha.. Li Kai and Eugene descending on my doorstep when I was still in my pyjamas! To discuss their travel plans.. hehh =) Fun! They're exciting people. Haha..

Had a good Sunday too, cos James had a personal encounter with God during worship! Yeah! =) I'm so happy and excited for him! He told me later that he'd never had so much joy before.. Haha I was very touched... Indeed investing your time in people is so much more fulfilling than investing them in material things- temporal and fleeting. And here's something which spoke to me during service too: The reason why you and I are still sitting here, living and breathing is because we haven't fulfilled God's plans for our lives. So, the inevitable question is, what is His plan for my life? I think I'm beginning to have a clearer picture of that... =) To be like streams of living water, refreshing other people.. Shall continue to seek God about it though. Do you know God's plan for your life?

Some updates bout painting too, since it is painting which has eaten up a large chunk of my time. The living room is finished! woohoo! Jus painted the hall entrance this morn, to the tune of my current fave song, Fascination from Take the Lead soundtrack playing on repeat mode. Hehh it's the only nice song in that CD.. and the one I listen to when I can't sleep at night. Over and over. =) Anyway, I felt so accomplished today, helping Daddy scrape walls and do patch-up work, besides painting. 1st time in my life I'm doing such things! Heh.. Also happy that I'm slowly beginning to get the hang of improvising on the piano.. =) Will watch the worship dvd that Janice has kindly lent me soon..

Wow it's National Day tmr.. Keep the flag flying! My last National Day in Singapore before I return 3 years later..

love, carol

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