Monday, November 27, 2006
Online shopping yesterday with the Singapore & HK girls- I bought a white lace dress and a white bag (both supposedly in the style of Christina Aguilera)!! For only 15 pounds! :D It's super addictive; we spent HOURS checking out their online store. They're gonna arrive on thursday!! Sooo exciting!
Went to the nottingham city centre with Kristy, another HK girl today after Contract lecture to accompany her on her job-hunting. But ended up spending more $$. FINALLY bought running shoes, after 3 mths of procrastination. Silver and purple Asics. I like... :) Bought a red jacket too for 9 pounds!! Oh yes and there was a Christmas fair in Market Square; lotsa quaint little stalls selling all sorts of stuff! I especially like how u can sample all the different kinds of biscuits and bread for free; the Singaporean in me is still very evident. Hehh.. Bought German Christmas bread for Hannah, whom I'll be staying with in Dec. Any other gift ideas??? Need to get stuff for Aidan too- was thinking of Hotel Chocolat. Ooh la la! Wine??
Busy week ahead; Swan Lake tmr night and the hall formal dinner on wednesday night. Carolling service and Reason for the Season, a Christmas concert also coming up. Exciting eh!!! :) :) :) but unfortunately I haven't finished preparing for my Tort or Consti tutorial! Also need to settle transportation on the last leg of my Dec trip; from London Waterloo to Notts. Hopefully can spend the night in a friend's place in London so I dont have to travel alone at night.. Too dangerous... So many things to think about; still need to think about all the essay assignments AND midterm exams.
Focus focus!
God give me strength!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
part 3

Aidan trying to be scary; will be staying with him over Christmas.. in Paris! ^^
Hannah, one of the kindest ppl I've ever met. She's so motherly! Will be staying with her in Dec too, in Sussex!
part 2

19th bday
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thanks for being a blessing!
Ok, promised to blog about the House Party and what I learnt there. :) Here goes!
House Party in Wales was awesome; I think God taught me alot of things, through people and situations. I can honestly say that I'm a different person now; alot more confident in approaching new people and talking to them. 2 mths ago, that would have been impossible; I was shy as a mouse and only spoke up upon being spoken to, especially in group settings. I still rmb feeling shy and awkward during Alpha when we had to mingle with all the new friends; and just wanting to stick to Xinxin or hide in the kitchen. So pathetic right!! And yea realised that alot of it had to do with my fears- fear of being rejected by others; fear that they wouldn't like me; that I was embarrassing myself; that I had nothing to say etc...
And I really have to thank God for ppl like my sister, who's been there with me on this journey of growth and self-discovery, every single step of the way. Love you Cheh; thanks for the tough advice and talking sense into me even when it hurts. I do need prodding in the right direction at times. :) And thanks for rejoicing with me in such little victories too!!
Also for Aidan, en route to Wales I just casually asked him how he made friends so easily (in this respect, he kinda reminds me of Thong.. lol) and he shared with me 'his story', how it didn't come easily to him as well. It was God's moulding thru painful experiences + lotsa practice + trying to love people the way God loves them that honed his social skills. And he told me I had it too! That both encouraged and challenged me- to rise up above my fears and approach new people throughout the weekend away.
Twas good!! :) :) :) I really enjoyed myself! And discovered that it wasn't so scary after all, that people open up to you once you're honest and smiley. :) Praise the Lord. I like this new side of myself; thank you Lord for teaching me. And little comments from friends helped too; like how Samara told me, "You were really good at lunch today". Simple things like tt really encourage. :)
Last night we had bible study and we discussed our response when our non-Christian friends indicated they were interested in Christianity. Aidan was saying how we should be prepared cos we may never know when the opportunity comes; it may be when we go back to e corridors in our blocks. And this morning it happened! My law friend was sharing her problems with me and I managed to direct the conversation to the bigger things in life, like "What do you think your purpose in life is?" and how she seemed to be looking for something but not knowing what it was. Then after that I told her about how God loves us and wants the best for us and she told me she used to be a Christian but stopped believing in God. Because she was disappointed in Him and the behaviour of other Christians.
And then it was seminar time! ARGH. Afterthat we were too sleepy and exhausted; I was having a major headache, (still am) so didnt press to continue the conversation even tho I wanted to. Still, I did not and still do not know what to say to her. What would you say to someone who is disillutioned with God due to past experiences? And as I talked to her, I could relate to alot of her feelings- I'd been in similar situations b4 and it's horrible as it is. Even worst still to be without hope in a loving God! I don't feel properly equipped... I want to do more than listen to other people's problems, but it's hard!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Wales trip
Monday, November 13, 2006
A child's poem
"If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can. It is good to know He's around you when you're scared, in the dark or when you can't swim and you get thrown into real deep water by big kids."
" shouldn't just always think of what God can do for you. I figure God put me here and he can take me back anytime he pleases.
And...that's why I believe in God."
- A child's prose.
Childlike, yet startingly true.
I especially like the 2nd paragraph- Indeed God goes everywhere with me, even if I'm distracted or unaware of His presence.. He has been good!
Had a good weekend; Nottingham Games was held on Sat and busloads of Singaporeans and Malaysians from all over the UK came down to Notts. And I met Karen here!!!!!! I was sooooo happy to see her. And met Kimberly from Dunman, Yafen and Kandy from VJ too! I didn't even know they were in the UK too. Made a few friends from Imperial College too, through tennis. So great- I will have people to stay with when I go down to London. :) Didn't get to meet Arch though! Boo.. Haha anyway, it was absolutely FREEZING on Saturday. Wind speed: 23 km/hr. I helped out with tennis and it was outdoors in the Cripps Hall couts. Brrr!!!! So cold! It was quite funny cos everyone was bouncing up and down to keep warm and it was quite a sight to see the tennis players all bundled up as they played the game. After a while, it wasn't so funny anymore cos each blast of wind really cut right through the layers we were wearing. And I was reduced to a huddled up ball crouched against the fences. Then I gave up and escaped to the warmth of Cripps Hall and took a nap there on a bench. Conclusion: Hot weather makes one sticky, sleepy and uncomfortable but at least it's bearable. Cold weather is unbearable! It makes one sickly and miserable and worse still, suffer if not properly protected.
How I appreciated a cup of hot chocolate after braving the cold. :) And the chinese dinner provided by the Malaysian Singaporean Society. Whee!
Dinner tonight was good- FINALLY! Am so happy to have good food. Beef spaghetti, peas and a yummylicious slice of cake. I think I overate though.
I'ts been such a long time since I last wrote an essay- 10 months? And I'm struggling now, editing a speech for mooting tmr. Finding the right word and syntax doesn't come so naturally anymore, as it did for the countless History, Literature and GP essays that constituted the JC days.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Was reading through old entries in the blog I share with my VJC friends.. Sugar-puff-honey-crunch always! haha.. Good memories eh! Seeing each other every day in school, ponning maths n econs lectures together, thinking of what delicious canteen food to eat, comparing skirt lengths n trying to escape from tan yew hwee, laughing at the 5 boys in class, getting through the dreaded As, talking about our dreams and ambitions and where we thought each other would head to after JC..... just being so happy together. :) I hope you all remember the "meaningful conversations" I always tried to initiate! Hahaha.. The JC years just zoomed by like that and all of us have gone our separate ways (with the exception of wei n fio! lucky lucky lucky)
And I just wanna say thank you for being such wonderful friends. It never fails to amaze me how we can connect so well despite being such different people, with our own quirks and idiosyncracies. Heh.. You girls are special and unique! Miss you all.
Carol (honey)
Thursday, November 09, 2006
CU event
Anyway, Dave thanked me yesterday for inviting him to the pub quiz and told me he really enjoyed himself! That made my day. :) It was a breakthrough because I'd been trying to befriend him for quite some time- he doesn't seem to have any friends in hall and he always eats by himself. And I think it's the way God wired me- I enjoy reaching out to people who feel left out and desire that they feel loved and included too. I know all too well what it feels to be left out and it's not a nice feeling! Heh..
And before dinner I had a sudden realisation of how sheltered I still am, despite being miles and miles away from home. Looked thru the CCUSA website b4 dinner- thinking of working in America or volunteering in South Africa during the summer. Very scary.... I will truly be on my own. Here, God has provided so well for me- I don't have to worry about much except my studies. And I thought of my peers-Grace Tan whom I grew up with, now sooo independent, criss-crossing the USA and maybe even Africa in time to come! And James Pang, dedicating 3 mths of his time to serve God faithfully in Thailand. Aidan and Hannah, my CU leaders- both of whom took a gap year after college; Aidan to work with the wildlife in South Africa and Hannah to work in a nursing home here. Compared to them, I feel so small and timid, so unable to take care of myself! Yet I feel so privileged to know these people and am encouraged by them to think beyond myself and my limitations..
Love Carol
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Hehe anyway it's been a great weekend. Went for a walk at Wollaton Park on friday afternoon; I felt so liberated among the wide open spaces- like I could finally breathe again. (Mad week, had 2 tutorials and 1 seminar) And just enjoyed God's creation; the lovely fall colours, towering trees and tranquil lake. Had fun kicking the heaps of fallen leaves too! Though I had to compose myself when other people walked by. Hehh.. Then back to my room, where Aidan caught me just in time, then rushed off for Tort lecture and finally CU meeting which was great.
Today me, Fifi, Kyunghee and Jayoung (Korean girls) went to watch The Taming of the Shrew in Stratford-upon-avon, Shakespeare's birthplace! Was really fun! :) The play was not bad; but I thought it was too modern a take on it and I couldn't really catch what they were saying.. Too sleepy n didn't read the play beforehand. Anyway, Stratford-upon-avon is really nice, a charming little town. We agreed that it's even nicer than York.. Will post pics soon! Oh yea I bought a cactus too! :) Hope it won't die in winter.. The temperature has plunged. In the past few mornings, The Downs has been covered with frost! Shiver....
Alrighty good night everyone!
So tired!
Love, Carol