Saturday, January 13, 2007

My interests

I just read an article in The Guardian about Tips for Writers and Readers, by Zadie Smith.
It was excellently wrriten and it offered many incisive and thought-provoking comments about the craft of writing. He describes a great novel as an "experience of the world through a consciousness other than your own". And the writer's duty as "the duty to express accurately their way of being in the world".

And it got me thinking...

Do law essays count as good writing? I miss being able to express myself freely through Literature; being able to have a unique, flowing style other than having to adhere to the requirement of being "clear, precise and concise" in law essays.

I miss reading fiction and poetry. Simply haven't had the time or the luxury. I can't even remember the title of the last fiction book I read- Most of my reading materials nowadays are confined to textbooks, law cases, journal articles or online news reports. I don't read for enjoyment anymore.

It's something that I gradually realise- what I've given up over the years in the name of academic focus and success. My love of reading, writing, art and craft, music, French and piano lessons, sport (netball and volleyball) all sidelined and pushed away into a dark receptacle. And it's only now that these interests (and how I/society has repressed them) are beginning to re-surface. Now that I'm away from Singapore, in England.

It first hit me acutely during the "Talent Night" during the Christian Union House Party in Wales- it's not that the people here are more talented; they simply take the time and effort to invest in what they love- and it shows. I approached this girl who sings very well and she told me she started singing professionally when she was 15. Now this implies that she'd been singing for a really long time- She's that good because she'd been practicing for years. Another thought- How many of us in Singapore would actually pursue music as a career; what's more at age 15?! And this is just a sidetrack- Isn't it godly too? To invest in our God-given talents and grow them so that we can glorfy Him instead of burying them.

Then the next time was in Aidan's house- His sketches are displayed all over the house.. And I remember this conversation we had. He asked me, "Do u draw, Carol?" because I told him about sketching capsicums for art class. (Remember Hazel my dear sheep???) And it was a painful reply: "Yes, I used to... But stopped". "How long has it been since you gave up drawing?" "Since I was 14?" And it's the same story for writing- short stories and poetry, for music, for sport. How much of myself have I suppressed/given up???

All this random thoughts were ordered and reinforced while talking and sharing with Cheh last week. She told me she discovered a creative side of herself in Australia! She even bought a sketchbook to draw when she felt inspired! :) How cool is that! And yeah I'm so glad there's someone who feels the same way... About enthusiastically exploring our interests and believing they're worth our time and effort.

Yesterday's study break was spent doing some sketches and with the thought occurred to me "Hey i can do this!" :)

Post-exams break shall be spent watching Pride and Prejudice with Samara and reading a good novel.:) Or maybe even taking a short-weekend trip outta Nottingham.

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