Sunday, July 22, 2007

I serve a warrior God

Learnt some French today; I'm still not sure if it's something I wanna pursue as my external module. It's a completely NEW language; the last time I've had any contact with it was 7 years ago at the MOE language centre. It's a beautiful language, but one which will require much effort. This or Psychology? It's alot more appealing to me now after my sister's pregnancy. I can apply whatever I learn once the baby is born. How a wee babe makes its first contact with the world around it and how it gradually matures, finding its relation and making its contribution to society. Birth and new life- fascinating.

Li Kai passed me a total of 10 Christian CDs yesterday. Thank you! Timely and greatly appreciated. :) Got to catch up with Ephraim too, really miss this brother, full of wisdom and advice! Haha.. he taught HuiXian and I how to initiate spiritual conversations. The 1st step is that God must be relevant in our own lives. Then make Christianity relevant to the lives of our loved ones. Also shared with us how to answer difficult questions like our stand against pre-marital sex etc. The key is relevancy. Prayer is also important. I feel alot more fired up now... :)

Also started reading this book passed to me from Cheh "Becoming a Woman who Listens to God". It's very good and impressed me of the need to "abide in God's word". He/she who does so are then disciples of Christ, with knowledge of the truth which will set us free. People often dangle the verse "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". But how will you know the truth? Where is its source? And we have to look at the preceding verses to know the answer: "If you abide in my Word". Read from the book of Joshua today too; and I got to see the warrior God, fighting for His people, delivering into their hands victory afer victory. He is not meek, passive, distant or out-of-touch, as is the common notion of God, but directly involved, intervening to give His people hope and victory.

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