Wednesday, August 01, 2007


My poor blog is so neglected.. :(

Most personal things that matter to me are written down in my journal already; I don't think I wanna publish it here. You never know who's reading!

Anyway, the chapter from the book I'm reading is about how God speaks through circumstances.
2 things that I could immediately apply to what I learnt.

1) The South Korean hostage crisis in Afghanistan.
For sure, ppl question why God, if He's so mighty, doesn't save them from being killed by the Taleban. All I can say is that, God is sovereign. He is still in control. I like the remarks made by Daniel's friends when they were in the lion's den.. Draw some parallels- I'm too tired to type it down now.

2) Whisky's return home. :):):)
Will elaborate more on this tmr.

Just have that niggling sense that I need to articulate what I learn, before I forget.

Good night, world.

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