Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Exams over

I finished my exams on 14 Jan. Wooohoo!
But I don't feel all free and wonderful because I messed up Criminal Law. :(
Was feeling very sick and uncomfortable in the morning of the paper- churning stomach, headache and persistent tiredness. Which is strange because I've been getting enough sleep!
I do feel very annoyed with myself for messing it up since the exam was easier than expected. Sigh. At least it isn't counted!!!

Less than one week of holiday left before school starts again.
So far, I've cooked 2 very delicious Chinese meals (with the Chef's instructions of course) and baked brownies. Tmr we're going to Bath! :D
Vincent finishes his Commercial Law exam today.
Thanks for all the prayers!

Semester 2 will be a NEW start!

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