Saturday, June 30, 2007


I cut my hair today, after 3 months! My 1st thought: Aaaaah I look like a Japanese tai tai!!! :( :( :( Shoulder-length curls with fringe! Aaaaah!!! Good thing the curls are only temporary. Felt so sad as my long tresses were snipped off and left in a heap. See I do have my girly moments.

Have been having cramps for the past 3 days non-stop. Pain is so bad. :(

On a lighther note; I'm really glad I turned up for cell group/area meeting last night, even though the cramps and perceived lateness were making me very grumpy and pessimistic. It felt wonderful to worship joyfully together with the young adults, something that I missed in the UK. Also to hear real life testimonies of their growth, which really encouraged me. I see it in Eugene's stepping up to be a leader, Huixian's boldness in leading prayer and worship, Loyalle's dedicated service and concern for other members, Shella's increased passion for God.... and many more from my peers.

Here are young people, in their prime of their lives, actively seeking God and supporting fellow believers even when worldly distractions abound. I learnt alot from James' message about "Getting the right culture". I want to do my part too and improve in areas I'm weak in. Eg. Be more expressive, approach people who I perceive to have nothing in common with myself, take the initiative to change! God has really given me opportunities to develop inter-personal skills in the UK, especially in hall and in the Christian Union, as I was sharing with Loyalle and Weichuan in the cab home. Now, I not only want to apply what I've learnt back home in Singapore but improve too.

Out of my shell- finally! It's very encouraging when ppl tell me there's something different about you. Adrienne (who does facials for me) told me it's the way you carry yourself; alot more confident and outgoing. :) It's easy to slip back into the old me but please remind me to make a deliberate attempt to change!

The tauhuay and youtiao afterthat was yummylicious!!! Satisfied another craving. :D Next is tang yuan!

Also learnt about the 4 Love Languages.
1) Gifts
2) Quality time
3) Acts of service
4) Words of affirmation.

My love languages are 2) and 4) I like to affirm and encourage my loved ones, as well as spend quality time with them.
What are yours?

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