Venue: East Coast Park
Theme: Hawker delights + looong walks
By Fionne Tan (organiser)

Some memories I won't forget.
1) Hui and Wei helping me to wash my skirt in the toilet. I was and still am, touched and very grateful! Thank you for being there for me in such an emergency situation. lol
2) The fine system. Haha! Hui's brainchild! Which, as a result of all our late work and ponning school, amounted to an ice cream treat after PE. :D
3) Always forgetting to bring my tie on Mondays and having to sneak into the hall by the back in order to avoid Mr Seet. Also for having to rip out the string at the bottom of my shirt which was subsequently confiscated my him. What did we use to call it? I've forgotten already. haha
Getting caught for my short skirt more than once.
4) Deciding what to eat during lectures and tutorials. Delicious VJ food!!!
5) Best meaningful conversation ever: (in my opinion) We were at Lido sitting down at the benches waiting for e movie to start. I asked you girls, and Thong too, to share what each thought the other was going to become in future.. It was quite eye-opening, getting an insight of what your friends thought of you and what you would become. :) When everything was still heady and uncertain, the possibilities are endless. I vaguely remember: Thong= pastor! politician. Huimin= boutique owner, fashion stylist. Hui= resturant owner, food connoisseur. Me? = writer, journalist. How close are we to that now, I wonder?? How far does your course in university determine your future path in life?? Quite alot I think.
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