Sunday, November 11, 2007

MSS events

MSS Halloween Party
Guess who?

Answers from left: Lara Croft, William Wallace

I know this is super late but I havent been uploading my photos. A picture taken b4 my camera went out of battery.
My first clubbing experience in the UK. Besides "clubbing" in Sherwood C16 last year!! Unfortunately it was a most traumatising experience since I was put in charge of the cloakroom. Slept-talked about it all night. :(

Nottingham Games went really well! :) About 500 people from all over the UK universities attended the event. Met Shi En's sister there too, she came down from Warwick to play netball.
Good job everyone.. and especially to Vincent for the wonderful Pretty Orchid dinner buffet. Mmmmm.... Some mouth-watering dishes to tempt your tastebuds: Rendang beef and potatoes, sambal king prawn, tofu with vermicelli, sambal chicken drumsticks, mee goreng and coconut milk rice. Ahhh... Marshah our secretary hyper-ventilated when she saw the rendang beef. Hahaha. So did all the Japanese players who came the earliest. They loved the food and were very polite, thanked us for the food b4 leaving. Oh yes, and we sold ALL the lunches we bought from Pretty Orchid during the food fair! :)

Anyway, off to dinner and to doing tutorials....
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