Thursday, November 15, 2007

London pics

September 2007
(the photos which shld have accompanied the London blog entry)

This is Covent Garden. I love it; went there every day! It's very quaint and charming; buskers flock there to perform. We saw this Irish guy swallow a blown balloon!! And an African guy balance a shoe, then a whole metal trolley on his head.
It's also the setting of William Wycherly's "The Country Wife", for those who did A level Literature. Horner, the protagonist of the book stayed there.
This is Vincent (who took all these wonderful photos) and I. We're in the Embankment, which has a naval theme to it. The lamposts and benches have engravings of fish on them. In the bankground of the picture you can see the Big Ben and the houses of Parliament.
This is a very cool art display in the Embankment. The structures show the expulsion of water from the body, in different ways. In the foreground, you can see vomitting. There were spitting, urinating, perspiring etc too.
This is Whitehall on a cloudy Autumn day. There are guards and horses on the other side of the building. You can see the London Eye in the backdrop. I'm wearing my new Muji rain-proof coat here, bought from Covent Garden! hehh

I'm posting all this as a response to Dazz's endorsement of my blog on her's. haha.. She says to read my blog cos my life is so happening here. Unfortunately I haven't been taking that many photos of life in Nottingham, (so used to it now) so here's something about London! Hope is reader-friendly enough!
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