I cut my hair today, after 3 months! My 1st thought: Aaaaah I look like a Japanese tai tai!!! :( :( :( Shoulder-length curls with fringe! Aaaaah!!! Good thing the curls are only temporary. Felt so sad as my long tresses were snipped off and left in a heap. See I do have my girly moments.
Have been having cramps for the past 3 days non-stop. Pain is so bad. :(
On a lighther note; I'm really glad I turned up for cell group/area meeting last night, even though the cramps and perceived lateness were making me very grumpy and pessimistic. It felt wonderful to worship joyfully together with the young adults, something that I missed in the UK. Also to hear real life testimonies of their growth, which really encouraged me. I see it in Eugene's stepping up to be a leader, Huixian's boldness in leading prayer and worship, Loyalle's dedicated service and concern for other members, Shella's increased passion for God.... and many more from my peers.
Here are young people, in their prime of their lives, actively seeking God and supporting fellow believers even when worldly distractions abound. I learnt alot from James' message about "Getting the right culture". I want to do my part too and improve in areas I'm weak in. Eg. Be more expressive, approach people who I perceive to have nothing in common with myself, take the initiative to change! God has really given me opportunities to develop inter-personal skills in the UK, especially in hall and in the Christian Union, as I was sharing with Loyalle and Weichuan in the cab home. Now, I not only want to apply what I've learnt back home in Singapore but improve too.
Out of my shell- finally! It's very encouraging when ppl tell me there's something different about you. Adrienne (who does facials for me) told me it's the way you carry yourself; alot more confident and outgoing. :) It's easy to slip back into the old me but please remind me to make a deliberate attempt to change!
The tauhuay and youtiao afterthat was yummylicious!!! Satisfied another craving. :D Next is tang yuan!
Also learnt about the 4 Love Languages.
1) Gifts
2) Quality time
3) Acts of service
4) Words of affirmation.
My love languages are 2) and 4) I like to affirm and encourage my loved ones, as well as spend quality time with them.
What are yours?
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
VJC June outing
VJC girls June outing
Venue: East Coast Park
Theme: Hawker delights + looong walks
By Fionne Tan (organiser)
That is all of us- sugar-puff-honey-crunch-fio. And my dear fio, you are right I bet you were always left in amazement at the litany of nicknames and secret codes. Wahaha.. Divine, PomPom, Nice Smile, MJ, Potato... Oh my!!! Hahaha thanks for reminding me of those hilarious times girls.. Hehe it seems like ages ago that we were in college. I really miss PE lessons where we played netball, tennis, soccer, ultimate frisbee, handball- and Mr ___ (I forgot his name!) the best PE teacher ever who always played with us. Also all the teachers, all so memorable and quirky in their own way. More important are all of you, who I'm so glad to say still count as being among my closest friends. Thanks for making the stressful JC period more bearable with all the humour, meaningful talks and support. It seems so long gone now, especially as I read through Fionne's entry about her memories in VJC. We've changed, we;ve moved on. And yet we remain friends. :) I'm glad.
Some memories I won't forget.
1) Hui and Wei helping me to wash my skirt in the toilet. I was and still am, touched and very grateful! Thank you for being there for me in such an emergency situation. lol
2) The fine system. Haha! Hui's brainchild! Which, as a result of all our late work and ponning school, amounted to an ice cream treat after PE. :D
3) Always forgetting to bring my tie on Mondays and having to sneak into the hall by the back in order to avoid Mr Seet. Also for having to rip out the string at the bottom of my shirt which was subsequently confiscated my him. What did we use to call it? I've forgotten already. haha
Getting caught for my short skirt more than once.
4) Deciding what to eat during lectures and tutorials. Delicious VJ food!!!
5) Best meaningful conversation ever: (in my opinion) We were at Lido sitting down at the benches waiting for e movie to start. I asked you girls, and Thong too, to share what each thought the other was going to become in future.. It was quite eye-opening, getting an insight of what your friends thought of you and what you would become. :) When everything was still heady and uncertain, the possibilities are endless. I vaguely remember: Thong= pastor! politician. Huimin= boutique owner, fashion stylist. Hui= resturant owner, food connoisseur. Me? = writer, journalist. How close are we to that now, I wonder?? How far does your course in university determine your future path in life?? Quite alot I think.
Venue: East Coast Park
Theme: Hawker delights + looong walks
By Fionne Tan (organiser)

Some memories I won't forget.
1) Hui and Wei helping me to wash my skirt in the toilet. I was and still am, touched and very grateful! Thank you for being there for me in such an emergency situation. lol
2) The fine system. Haha! Hui's brainchild! Which, as a result of all our late work and ponning school, amounted to an ice cream treat after PE. :D
3) Always forgetting to bring my tie on Mondays and having to sneak into the hall by the back in order to avoid Mr Seet. Also for having to rip out the string at the bottom of my shirt which was subsequently confiscated my him. What did we use to call it? I've forgotten already. haha
Getting caught for my short skirt more than once.
4) Deciding what to eat during lectures and tutorials. Delicious VJ food!!!
5) Best meaningful conversation ever: (in my opinion) We were at Lido sitting down at the benches waiting for e movie to start. I asked you girls, and Thong too, to share what each thought the other was going to become in future.. It was quite eye-opening, getting an insight of what your friends thought of you and what you would become. :) When everything was still heady and uncertain, the possibilities are endless. I vaguely remember: Thong= pastor! politician. Huimin= boutique owner, fashion stylist. Hui= resturant owner, food connoisseur. Me? = writer, journalist. How close are we to that now, I wonder?? How far does your course in university determine your future path in life?? Quite alot I think.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
post jetlag
I think I'm finally recovering from jetlag. Managed to sleep through last night without waking up until 10am!!! Woohoo no more 5am-5pm nights.
Caught up with the VJ girls yesterday at ECP. It was great fun meeting them again! :) :) Ate, chatted and laughed and listened to all the latest happenings in their lives. Exciting stuff going on. hehe.. Fulfilled all my hawker food cravings too. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to polish off everything. Shame on us! Talked to Vincent afterthat too, thanks for waiting 4 me to come home. :) the webcam is finally working!! YAY we can finally see each other. :)
Went 4 the Mango sale this morning and lazed around for the afternoon. Watched this Hallmark movie- Homeless to Havard which was excellent.Very inspring and based on a true story. Made me cry at least twice.
Alrighty, off to play badminton.
Waiting for Grace Tan Ai Peng's call tmr morning! Hehe :D
Caught up with the VJ girls yesterday at ECP. It was great fun meeting them again! :) :) Ate, chatted and laughed and listened to all the latest happenings in their lives. Exciting stuff going on. hehe.. Fulfilled all my hawker food cravings too. Unfortunately, we didn't manage to polish off everything. Shame on us! Talked to Vincent afterthat too, thanks for waiting 4 me to come home. :) the webcam is finally working!! YAY we can finally see each other. :)
Went 4 the Mango sale this morning and lazed around for the afternoon. Watched this Hallmark movie- Homeless to Havard which was excellent.Very inspring and based on a true story. Made me cry at least twice.
Alrighty, off to play badminton.
Waiting for Grace Tan Ai Peng's call tmr morning! Hehe :D
Monday, June 18, 2007
Bitten by the travel bug.
Bitten by the travel bug.
Hello hello! I'm back from Eastern Europe and Nottingham; touched down in Singapore last afternoon. :) Super tanned now; because the sun was scorching hot in Eastern Europe and penetrated that many layers of sunblock we girls lathered on. Went out to eat Crystal Jade with my parents and Dazz as my Welcome Home meal. Delicious!!! Haha. I can't sleep now; still jetlagging- sigh. Some pictures to share with you- from Bratislava, Vienna, Budapest, Krakow and Berlin. :)
Highlights of the trip were watching a concert in one of Vienna's many stately palaces, extreme biking in Krakow (my first near-death experience lol), the cheap and gd food in Budapest, going to Auschwitz and the Jewish Museum in Berlin, getting my Birkenstocks way cheaper than in Singapore, lazing around in Starbucks everywhere we went, eating mouth-watering dessert everyday, singing all the backstreet boys, westlife songs with Fifi and Jin .... and many more. :)
Really enjoyed bonding with the other 5 people, from Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia on the whirlwind 11 day tour of Eastern Europe. Laughed non-stop at Jason, who's ultra funny and the twins, whose only goal on the trip was to hunt down all the kebab, Subway and Starbucks outlets in every city. lol.. Also got closer to the girls- Fidelia and Maureen who are wonderful. :)
Some pictures to share.
Schoburn Palace in Vienna. Just one shot from our summer collection taken in every city. :D
Maureen and Jason, the resident couple of our trip. Super sweet and funny! :)
3 of us girls in Krakow.
Yours truly in front of the panorama of Buda and Pest.
Hello hello! I'm back from Eastern Europe and Nottingham; touched down in Singapore last afternoon. :) Super tanned now; because the sun was scorching hot in Eastern Europe and penetrated that many layers of sunblock we girls lathered on. Went out to eat Crystal Jade with my parents and Dazz as my Welcome Home meal. Delicious!!! Haha. I can't sleep now; still jetlagging- sigh. Some pictures to share with you- from Bratislava, Vienna, Budapest, Krakow and Berlin. :)
Highlights of the trip were watching a concert in one of Vienna's many stately palaces, extreme biking in Krakow (my first near-death experience lol), the cheap and gd food in Budapest, going to Auschwitz and the Jewish Museum in Berlin, getting my Birkenstocks way cheaper than in Singapore, lazing around in Starbucks everywhere we went, eating mouth-watering dessert everyday, singing all the backstreet boys, westlife songs with Fifi and Jin .... and many more. :)
Really enjoyed bonding with the other 5 people, from Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia on the whirlwind 11 day tour of Eastern Europe. Laughed non-stop at Jason, who's ultra funny and the twins, whose only goal on the trip was to hunt down all the kebab, Subway and Starbucks outlets in every city. lol.. Also got closer to the girls- Fidelia and Maureen who are wonderful. :)
Some pictures to share.
Friday, June 01, 2007
exams over!
Hello everyone, the exams are over!!!!!!! Constitutional law was bad; not only was the paper tough, the exam itself started one hour late! The statutes (ie Human Rights Act, Police and Criminal Evidence Act, Scotland Act, Devolution of Wales Act... just to give u a taster of what Consti Law is about) were printed only on the morning of the exam itself. -_-" When we finally got the statutes, they were still hot from the printing. And I was still sick. Oh well at least it's over!
What have I been doing?
Well, have been going to the city centre everyday for the past 3 days with Vincent to eat, shop and celebrate. :D So far, we've had Italian food at Frankie & Benny's, Vietnamese at Phat, American at Burger King (haha), Malaysian and Thai at Pretty Orchid and various nibbles along the way. Yummy! Vincent also cooked his signature carbonara with lemon sole last night (excellent!) complete with a very good hosea wine and absolutely scrumptious chocolate mousse. Bliss! And afterthat he taught me about wine-appreciation. I spent at least 30min swirling the wine in the wine-glass, while spilling alot of it on his rug. haha we finished the entire bottle of wine by ourselves last night! Face was so red. Hehe.. also watched Spiderman 3! It was very good, in terms of how they fleshed out the characters and their inner battles so realistically. God made us all with free will- in everything we do, we can make a choice.
Now I'm staying in to rest and read up about Eastern Europe, where I will be going in just 3 days time. Can't believe it's so soon! Fascinating reading up on cities with layers and layers of history behind it- you think of the myriad of civilisations and occupiers that came and went. Suddenly, our modern world doesn't seem all there is. It is but here and now and a tiny stretch on the timeline of mankind. And perhaps someday, people from the future will look back into our world with inquiring and renewed eyes.
What have I been doing?
Well, have been going to the city centre everyday for the past 3 days with Vincent to eat, shop and celebrate. :D So far, we've had Italian food at Frankie & Benny's, Vietnamese at Phat, American at Burger King (haha), Malaysian and Thai at Pretty Orchid and various nibbles along the way. Yummy! Vincent also cooked his signature carbonara with lemon sole last night (excellent!) complete with a very good hosea wine and absolutely scrumptious chocolate mousse. Bliss! And afterthat he taught me about wine-appreciation. I spent at least 30min swirling the wine in the wine-glass, while spilling alot of it on his rug. haha we finished the entire bottle of wine by ourselves last night! Face was so red. Hehe.. also watched Spiderman 3! It was very good, in terms of how they fleshed out the characters and their inner battles so realistically. God made us all with free will- in everything we do, we can make a choice.
Now I'm staying in to rest and read up about Eastern Europe, where I will be going in just 3 days time. Can't believe it's so soon! Fascinating reading up on cities with layers and layers of history behind it- you think of the myriad of civilisations and occupiers that came and went. Suddenly, our modern world doesn't seem all there is. It is but here and now and a tiny stretch on the timeline of mankind. And perhaps someday, people from the future will look back into our world with inquiring and renewed eyes.
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